Import Export Hurt Spedycja J.J. Sp. z o.o.

ul. Akacjowa 20, 43426 Dębowiec    Show on Map

telephone:+48 603 429 603

NIP: NIP5482317659
VAT: PL5482317659

Company Description

Plastic trader deals with:

complete services in purchasing and processing of plastic waste generated during production, waste processing to form of agglomerate, milling, regrind, sales and purchasing a wide variety of waste, regrind, regranulates.

Range of products / Services

We focus on production plants that generate waste during production or packaging phase.
This concerns films, as well as plastics such as:
  • PA
  • PMMA
  • PC
  • PBT
  • PBT
  • PE
  • PBT
  • PC/ABS
  • ABS/PC
  • PP
  • HDPE
  • LDPE
  • EPS
  • EPP
  • EPE
  • PEEK
  • PEI
  • SAN
  • POM

We supply special containers and machines facilitating wastes transport, as well as properly trained staff.
We assure high quality services, prompt waste collection and most competitive prices.

Our company possesses all the licenses for collecting, processing and transportation of wastes.
We have specialised technological infrastructure and knowledge, which allows us to compete on European, as well as on the global market.

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