Standardized parts, components for molds - Business Directory

Find your supplier or partner in the largest Business Directory (600+ companies) for plastics and rubber in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Companies listed in category Standardized parts, components for molds.

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  • Oerlikon HRSflow

    Oerlikon HRSflow

    Design and manufacture of hot runner systems, SLM inserts, selective laser dissolution, temperature control devices, temperature controllers, hot...

    Top company
  • ALFA CHROM servis s.r.o.

    ALFA CHROM servis s.r.o.

    Service, repairs and maintenance of injection molds and cylinders, injection molds, cleaning of injection molds, overhaul of machines.

  • Busch Vakuum s.r.o.

    Busch Vakuum s.r.o.

    Technology for vacuum production in the field of plastics processing, peripherals, peripherals, vacuum suction cups, thermal, vacuum, rotational...



    Complete solution of injection moulds,  producer of components for hot runner systems, sales of micro injection machines and temparating equipement,...

  • COURBIS Smart Polymers s.r.o.

    COURBIS Smart Polymers s.r.o.

    Development, prototypes and serial deliveries of parts of high technical materials such as polyurethanes Courbhane® and Vulkollan®

  • E - Normalie servis s.r.o.

    E - Normalie servis s.r.o.

    Standard parts for molding tools and injection molds, mold clamping, clamping systems, jigs / assembly, process, control /.

  • s.r.o. s.r.o.

    Hot runners for injection molds, heating bodies, heating cartridges, tempering devices, temperature regulators, measuring systems, laboratory...



    Standard parts, components for molds, normals, hot runners for injection molds, peripherals, peripherals, mold accessories.

  • fortell s.r.o.

    fortell s.r.o.

    Injection molds, plastic parts, construction, plastic molding, cleaning of injection molds, tool shop, plastic injection.



    Standardized parts for the production of plastic moulds, hot runner systems.

  • HITZE s.r.o.

    HITZE s.r.o.

    Thermosensors, control units for the plastics industry, standardized parts, components for molds, temperature control devices, temperature...

  • Hotset ČR s.r.o.

    Hotset ČR s.r.o.

    Electric winches, high-quality infrared thermometers, thermal cameras, temperature control devices, temperature controllers, thermography.

  • Hotset SK s.r.o.

    Hotset SK s.r.o.

    HHP heating cartridges, heating belts for injection molding nozzles, hot runners, hot runner systems, heaters, peripherals and auxiliary equipment.

  • HPS Czech Republic

    HPS Czech Republic

    Hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic units, standardized parts, components for molds, peripheral devices for injection molds.

  • INCOE ® International Europe

    INCOE ® International Europe

    Hot runner technologies for plastic injection, Direct-Flo ™ Gold hot runners, hot runner systems, standard parts, mold components.

  • JAN SVOBODA s.r.o.

    JAN SVOBODA s.r.o.

    Complex deliveries of semi-finished products for molds for plastics, tools for molding plastics and light metals, machine tools, tempering equipment,...

  • JKZ Bučovice, a. s.

    JKZ Bučovice, a. s.

    Tool steel, mold steel, injection mold steel, CNC metal machining, standardized parts, mold components.

  • KIPP CZ s.r.o.

    KIPP CZ s.r.o.

    Clamping technology, standards, standardized parts, control elements, special solutions for standard parts.

  • KNARR Vertriebs GmbH

    KNARR Vertriebs GmbH

    Standard parts for the production of injection molds, standard parts for molding tools, plates for molds and other components, production of molds.

  • KNP, s.r.o.

    KNP, s.r.o.

    Standards, standardized parts for the production of molds and injection molds, hot runners, tempering devices, temperature regulators, mold...

  • KOVOROB, s.r.o.

    KOVOROB, s.r.o.

    Injection molds for thermoplastics, molds for blowing bottles, standards for molds and cutting tools from FCPK Bytów, mold clamping, clamping systems.

  • Linaset a.s.

    Linaset a.s.

    Production of injection moulds for thermoplastics and thermosets, products technical moulded parts for the automotive and other industries, final...

  • MAG Centrum, s.r.o

    MAG Centrum, s.r.o

    Magnetic systems for handling and mounting. Magnets for mounting forms.

    Firma vlastní základný profil.



      Tempering devices, temperature regulators, hot inlets for injection molds, heaters and cartridges, hot inlet regulators.

    • PENTA SLOVENSKO, s.r.o.

      PENTA SLOVENSKO, s.r.o.

      High-precision EDM technologies, FANUC cutters, Exeron countersinks, standards for the production of molds, tools, ejectors, mold clamping, EDM...

    • Rian Normalie s.r.o.

      Rian Normalie s.r.o.

      Spare parts for plastic injection moulds and moulding tools, mould accessories, date stamps and punches, springs, hydraulic cylinders.

    • SELOS, s.r.o.

      SELOS, s.r.o.

      Magnetic separators, metal part separators, clamping systems, CNC metal machining, components for molds.

    • Stäubli Systems, s.r.o.

      Stäubli Systems, s.r.o.

      Increasing productivity by reducing mold change time, fast mold change, clamping systems, multi-couplings, industrial robots for the plastics...

    • Synventive Molding Solutions s.r.o.

      Synventive Molding Solutions s.r.o.

      Tempered injection systems (hot inlets), temperature regulators, hot inlets, hot inlet systems, standard parts, mold components, heaters, heating...

    • TD-IS, s.r.o.

      TD-IS, s.r.o.

      Prototyping, simulation, analysis, plastic injection simulation, Autodesk Moldflow simulation software, CAD / CAM for mold production, CAD / CAM...

    • VAKUUM BOHEMIA s.r.o.

      VAKUUM BOHEMIA s.r.o.

      Industrial pumps, industrial blowers, oil-free compressors and industrial fans, rental of pumps and blowers, spare parts for vacuum technologies.

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