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  • Machinery for plastic injection (16 hours), module 3, Accredited Training

Machinery for plastic injection (16 hours), module 3, Accredited Training

  • 02.01.2013 - 31.12.2013 | Orovnica | Slovensko
The module is aimed at gaining knowledge of the injection press, the plastification process, the ongoing maintenance of injection molding, injection molding of peripherals. The participant gains knowledge about the function and form, and the preparation of granules peripherals. Acquire skills in the form of ongoing maintenance and ongoing maintenance of the peripheral granule preparation.

Optimálny počet účastníkov v skupine je 8-10., termíny podľa záujmu


Pre bližšie podmienky nás kontaktujte.

Oľga Balážová


A – OMEGA s.r.o.

IČO : 35937599,   DIČ DPH : SK2022010716

sídlo: Agátová 5525/9, 901 01 Malacky

kancelária : Radlinského 2751, 901 01 Malacky

tel.: / fax: 034 / 772 23 36

0911 221 795,  0905 303 291


skype: aomega13



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