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  • Optimization of the injection process (24 hours), Module 5, accredited training

Optimization of the injection process (24 hours), Module 5, accredited training

  • 11.03.2013 - 13.03.2013 | Orovnica | Slovensko
The module is aimed at the acquisition of knowledge in the identification of defects moldings, acquiring skills in their correct for molded products. The module includes a practical analysis of the most common defects moldings, their causes and their removal. Participants are familiar with special techniques such as injection molding. cascade, compression, multi-component injection molding etc.

Toto odborné vzdelávanie realizujeme v spolupráci so spoločnosťou MAPRO
SLOVAKIA , s.r.o v Tréningovom centre v Orovnici (v blízkosti Novej Bane).

- cena 305 €/osoba/den, termín 11.03.2013 - 13.03.2013


Pre bližšie podmienky nás kontaktujte.

Oľga Balážová


A – OMEGA s.r.o.

IČO : 35937599,   DIČ DPH : SK2022010716

sídlo: Agátová 5525/9, 901 01 Malacky

kancelária : Radlinského 2751, 901 01 Malacky

tel.: / fax: 034 / 772 23 36

0911 221 795,  0905 303 291


skype: aomega13



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