Cooperation - others
Classifieds for plastics and rubber goods, raw material and machinery. Add your advertisement.
For Sale : Presses, moulds and peripherals
- 04.11.2024
- ID: 202420026
Plastic molding plant for sale (machinery and active molds). The press room consists of:
- Injection presses Engel 1050/175
- Engel 650/125
- Engel Victory 330/80
- Engel Victory 500/120
- Engel Victory 750/150
- Phoenix Engel 200/45
- Tech Knife grinder NM-1000
- Cooling unit MTA TAE 121/PO,
- TAE 301 Material dryer EM 2.70.2 2 pcs
- Pneumatic material conveyor (sucker) 7 pcs
- Dye mixer PD3 7 pcs
- Temperature device TMC Basic Wittmann C90, F 27 3 pcs
- Mold heating (hot jet regulator) 6 zone 1pc, 12 zone 3pc
- Pad printing machine with accessories Quartz CE 130TH 1pc
- Oil filter pump in one
- NT15 electronic scale
- Active molds, approx. 40 pcs + other accessoriesThe press is located in Snin. The price is €120,000, a price agreement with a significant discount is possible for quick negotiations, more info by phone 0908874136, or more photos by e-mail If you are interested, it is possible to buy a lucrative building (production storage areas).
- Milan Hrežík - E-Mail: / 0908874136
Cooperation : Rezanie-delenie plastových roliek do priemeru 850mm PP.PET.PVC
- 11.10.2024
- ID: 202419923
Rezanie-delenie plastových roliek do priemeru 850mm PP.PET.PVC
- Jan Srogoncik - E-Mail: / 421 907 544 753
Cooperation : Free capacities in the field of mold construction
- 09.09.2024
- ID: 202419743
I offer free capacity in the field of plastic mould design with CAD Cimatron support
- Juraj Pittner - E-Mail: / +421904432338
Cooperation : Unpaid invoices technology
- 16.08.2024
- ID: 202419653
Due to the common procedure, we are looking for other companies that were not reimbursed for the technology or supplied material by the company: Broker company s.r.o., represented by Karol Tencer, Vrútky.
- Jan Dušek - E-Mail: / 77787111
Cooperation : Nezaplatené faktúry firmou Industry Storm s.r.o.
- 19.04.2024
- ID: 202418993
Hľadáme poškodené firmou Industry Storm s.r.o., konateľom Karel Červenka - IČO 08773947.
Materiály chce dopredu, potom Vám nezaplatí ani korunu!
Väčšinou sa jedná o nezaplatené faktúry za odobrané materiály, dopravy a jiné.
Neváhajte nás kontaktovať a pridať sa k hromadnej žalobe na túto firmu na čele s pánom Ćervenkom.
VOLAJTE PROSÍM +420 777 787 111- Štěpán Makarov - E-Mail: / +420735510105
Cooperation : Unpaid invoices by Industry Storm s.r.o.
- 10.04.2024
- ID: 202418935
We are looking for victims of the company Industry Storm s.r.o., manager Karel Červenka - ID number 08773947
These are mostly unpaid invoices for materials taken.
Do not hesitate to contact us and join the class action against this company with Mr. Červenka.- Štěpán Makarov - E-Mail: / +420735510105
Cooperation : Free transport capacity
- 21.11.2023
- ID: 202318148
Hello, we currently have free shipping capacity. We have vans and trucks available. We are reliable and flexible. We look forward to working with you +420 739 20 30 50
- Autodoprava DiOn - E-Mail: / 739203050
Cooperation : Voľné výrobné kapacity / ponuka spolupráce
- 19.04.2023
- ID: 202316857
Aktuálne ponúkame voľnú kapacitu nášho aplikačného centra elektroerozívneho obrábania a výroby grafitových elektród PENTA PRAHA v Říčanoch.
Náš tím skúsených aplikačných techníkov s už 30-ročnou praxou miluje výzvy a na drôtovkách, hĺbičkách a HSC obrábacích centrách dosahuje presnosť na samej hranici možností strojov.
Ponúkame kompletnú výrobu elektród pre EDM vrátane 3D modelovania a dokumentácie.
Ponúkame voľné kapacity na strojoch:
Elektroerozívne hĺbičky:
2x EDM hĺbičky Exeron 304 / PENTA CNC
Pojazd v osi X/Y/Z [mm]: 600 × 500 x 400
Rozmer stola [mm]: 900 x 900
Výška napustenia [mm]: 400
Max. hmotnosť obrobku [kg]: 2000Elektroerozívne drôtové rezačky:
2x EDM drôtová rezačka FANUC ROBOCUT α-C400iB
Maximálne rozmery obrobku [mm]: 730 × 630 × 250
Maximálna hmotnosť obrobku [kg]: 500
Pojazd v osi X/Y/Z [mm]: 400 × 300 x 255
Pojazd v osi U/V [mm]: 120 × 1201x EDM drôtová rezačka FANUC ROBOCUT α-C800iB
Maximálne rozmery obrobku [mm]: 1250 × 975 × 300
Maximálna hmotnosť obrobku [kg]: 3000
Pojazd v osi X/Y/Z [mm]: 800 × 600 x 310
Pojazd v osi U/V [mm]: 200 × 200Frézovacie centrá:
2x HSC frézovacie centrum Exeron HSC 300/3
Pojazd v osi X a Y [mm]: 480 x 340 x 355 mm
Odstup stôl/vreteno [mm]: 495 mm
Upínacia plocha stola [mm]: 470 × 400 mm
Hmotnosť dielca [kg]: do 500
Otáčky vrátane: [ot/min]: 42 000V prípade záujmu zašlite dopyt alebo dotaz na email: alebo volajte na tel.: +420 736 294 729.
Budeme sa tešiť na spoluprácu.
Tím Penta Praha a.s- Jan Ludwig - E-Mail: / 736294729
Latest Classifieds
For Sale: Knife mill MN300/400
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520332
Top AdvertFor Sale: Big bag for recycling
24.01.2025 | ID: 202520346
For Sale: LDPE regranulate black, colored
23.01.2025 | ID: 202520344
For Sale: PC injection transparent regrind
23.01.2025 | ID: 202520343
To purchase: LDPE film in bales
22.01.2025 | ID: 202520341
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520340
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520339
To purchase: LDPE film in bales
22.01.2025 | ID: 202520341
To purchase: ABS regrind white injection
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520336
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520329
To purchase: Plastic scrap from production
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520328
To purchase: PA 6/66 GF 30 regrind
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520321
To purchase: GPPS granules preferably with an MFI of 10
14.01.2025 | ID: 202520302
To purchase: PE-PP dirty granulates from ground
14.01.2025 | ID: 202520301
For Sale: Knife mill MN300/400
20.01.2025 | ID: 202520332
Top AdvertFor Sale: Big bag for recycling
24.01.2025 | ID: 202520346
For Sale: LDPE regranulate black, colored
23.01.2025 | ID: 202520344
For Sale: PC injection transparent regrind
23.01.2025 | ID: 202520343
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520340
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520339
21.01.2025 | ID: 202520338
Upcoming Events
04.02.2025 - 06.02.2025 | Anaheim
04.02.2025 - 06.02.2025 | Varšava
11.02.2025 - 13.02.2025 | Monterrey
International Plastic Industry IPF 2025
12.02.2025 - 15.05.2025 | Dhaka
12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025 | Birmingham
18.02.2025 - 19.02.2025 | Nuremberg
19.02.2025 - 20.02.2025 | Amsterdam
23.02.2025 - 25.02.2025 | Shanghai
24.02.2025 - 26.02.2025 | Alžír
SOPK invites you to the Conference Expected development of the Slovak economy in 2025
Say Goodbye to Stress Mark with advanced cooling
ING 4.0 training programme for digital skills development: Logistics systems and automated logistics
ING 4.0 training programme for digital skills development: Intelligent maintenance
Job offers
Salesman in the Field of Plastics Recycling (Regranulation) - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
Molder/Toolmaker - ULSTRUP PLAST s.r.o.
Production operator - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
Sales representative for granulates - ALBIS PLASTIC CR s.r.o.
Sales representative for recycling - SILON CZ Recycling s.r.o.
Obchodný manažér - FORM s.r.o.
Sales representative for granulates, for ALBIS PLASTIC CR s.r.o.
Assistant - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
Warehouse worker - forklift experience required. ENVI-RECYCLING PLAST, s. r. o.