Current News Articles
Daily updated information and news from the plastics industry.
Firma KNP s.r.o. predstavuje nový laserový prístroj SWA-150 určený pre zváranie a naváranie laserom
- 01.02.2012
- Machinery & Equipment
Laserové prístroje sú už nevyhnutnými pomocníkmi najmä v nástrojárňach a lisovniach, pri úpravách a opravách vstrekovacích foriem, foriem pre tlakové liatie a lisovacieho...
PRO EKO, 8. výstava recyklácie a zhodnocovania odpadov
- 24.02.2012
- Plastics recycling
Spoločnosť BB Expo, spol. s r.o. Vás pozýva na najväčšiu ekologickú výstavu na Slovensku PRO EKO – výstavu zhodnocovania a recyklácie odpadov, ktorej ôsmy ročník sa bude konať v dňoch 24.-27. apríla 2012 vo výstavnej hale v Banskej...
Výborné výsledky BASF v roku 2011 a ambiciózny plán na rok 2012
- 12.03.2012
- Suppliers of raw materials
V roku 2011 BASF vysoko prekročila vrcholné hodnoty obratu a zisku roku 2010. V porovnaní s rokom 2010 vzrástol obrat o 15% na 73,5 mld. eur. K rastu obratu prispeli všetky regióny. EBIT pred zvláštnymi položkami vzrástol o 4% na 8,4 mld. eur a EBIT ako taký vzrástol o takmer 11% na 8,6 mld....
Ostrovská průmyslovka umí teorii i dodávky pro průmysl
- 30.07.2012
- Services
V rámci spolupráce SPŠ Ostrov a WITTE Automotive v Nejdku dodal studentský projektový tým svůj první výrobek – zásuvkovou desku pro formy s horkými vtoky. Odběratelem je tým nástrojárny nejdeckého výrobce zamykacích systémů pro automobilový...
PRO EKO 8. výstava recyklácie a zhodnocovania odpadov
- 07.12.2011
- Services
V dňoch 24. až 27. apríla 2012 sa opätovne otvoria brány výstavných podujatí - 8. ročníka najväčšej ekologickej výstavy PRO EKO, 15. ročníka stavebnej výstavy PRO ARCH a 11. ročníka výstavy regionálneho rozvoja a cestovného...
Studijní stáž maturantů ve firmě Fatra a.s.
- 18.01.2012
- Services
Během posledního maturitního ročníku žáků Zpracovatelského oboru SPŠ polytechnické-COP Zlín, ve specializaci Plastikářské technologie, provádí maturanti ve svých hodinách praxí studijní stáže ve vybraných plastikářských a gumárenských firmách takřka po celé Moravě. Koncentrace těchto rozhodujících...
Na jar bude oficiálne otvorená prvá časť Refinery Gallery
- 17.02.2012
- Services
Na jar 2012 pribudne v Bratislave atraktívne miesto ponúkajúce nové možnosti kultúrno-spoločenského života mesta a jeho obyvateľov. Ide o zrekonštruovaný objekt montážnej haly s názvom Refinery Gallery, ktorá po 2 rokoch projekčných a realizačných prác ponúkne, v súčasnosti v európskych...
PCI Geofug – škáry, ktoré sa čistia takmer samy
- 20.02.2012
- Plastics and Rubber products
Divízia Stavebné hmoty najväčšej chemickej spoločnosti BASF prichádza na slovenský trh s revolučnou novinkou v oblasti škárovacích hmôt. PCI Geofug® je vyrobený na báze geopolymérov a disponuje oproti „klasickým“ cementovým škárovacím hmotám niekoľkými výhodami - samočistiacim efektom,...
Napriek rastu tržieb Skupina SLOVNAFT v roku 2011 skončila v strate
- 27.02.2012
- Suppliers of raw materials
Čisté tržby Skupiny SLOVNAFT sa v minulom roku medziročne zvýšili o 35 percent na 4,73 miliardy eur. Ich nárast podporili vyššie kótované ceny rafinérskych výrobkov a zlepšenie štruktúry predaja. Ani tieto faktory však nedokázali úplne zabrániť vplyvu nepriaznivého vývoja externého prostredia,...
Prezident prijal predstaviteľov Autoklastra západné Slovensko
- 14.03.2012
- Services
Prezident Ivan Gašparovič prijal predstaviteľov Autoklastra západné Slovensko a Slovenskej technickej univerzity spolupracujúcich na projekte implementácie vedeckovýskumných výsledkov do automobilovej výroby na...
- 07.11.2012
- Suppliers of raw materials
Webová stránka o chémii CHEMGENERATION.COM, ktorá vznikla v roku 2011, minulý týždeň spustila slovenskú verziu online vzdelávacej hry na sociálnej sieti Facebook. Hra Future City v sebe spája vzdelávanie i zábavu. Jednoduchým a hravým spôsobom popularizuje vedecké inovácie a mladým ľuďom...
"To wander wastes NATUR-PACK-om?"
- 12.10.2011
- Plastics recycling
Issuing organization NATUR-PACK, as a DAPHNE Institute of Applied Ecology joined forces for primary school pupils prepare for school year 2011/12 a new program called "Where our travels wastes...
06E “Plug ‘N Play”® threaded nozzle and bolt-on valve gate actuator
- 24.06.2011
- Plastics Moulds
SYNVENTIVE introduces new 06E “PLUG ‘N PLAY”® hot runner system feturing threaded (screwed- in) Nozzle and bolt-on valve gate...
1. PLASTCOMPANY, spol. s r. o. - machine BOY is celebrating its 50th economic year with honors
- 26.07.2018
- Machinery & Equipment
- Injection molding machines
A few weeks before the end of its accounting year, March 31, 2018, the BOY Machine manufacturer received an honorary award. Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Koblenz handed over to the family business Dr. Boy GmbH & Co. KG KG to its 50th Anniversary Certificate of...
1.PLASTCOMPANY new website & Technical center Dr. Boy
Every year for our company, 1.PLASTCOMPANY was annually associated with the International Engineering Fair in Brno. This year was canceled due to the unfavorable pandemic situation, as well as the German fair FAKUMA. We at 1.PLASTCOMPANY want to be always in touch with you, our customers and...
The third symposium of WE, PLASTICS and MACHINES was held on November 21st and 22nd. This year 1.PLASTCOMPANY and VALPLAST have chosen the pleasant environment of Tri Vežičky Hotel in Střítež u Jihlavy for their more than 100 participants. The two-day meeting was devoted mainly to novelties from...
10 points that reduce the profit of the press
Although plastic injection has a long tradition, it can still be said that plastic injection as such is not a technical discipline, but rather an art. Somebody injects the parts perfectly, and else it's simply not the same...
10 years WITTMANN BATTENFELD: Concentrated Power for the birthday party
WITTMANN BATTENFELD is celebrating its 10th anniversary with its business partners is these days. Among other attractions, the guests will have the opportunity to experience the company’s expertise first-hand with 14 machines from the PowerSeries demonstrating interesting processes and...
10th year conference of FORMS and PLASTICS 2019
The tenth year is organized by JAN SVOBODA s.r.o. in cooperation with Ľubomír Zeman, a professional conference focused on plastic injection. The aim of the conference is to provide information across the production chain so that companies can compete in the global...
17th Seminar - Defect Prevention, Problem Solving, Cost Savings and Innovation for IMCD Czech Republic s.r.o. is popular
Company IMCD Slovakia s.r.o. would like to inform you that on November 13-13, 2019, a seventeen educational seminar was successfully held near the Brno...
1st Central European Plastics Meeting in Siófok, Hungary - photo report
- 07.11.2017
- Services
- Events
- Photo reportage
The two-day meeting took place on 14 and 15 September 2017 at Balaton. The special guest of the 1st Central European Plastics Meeting was Russia. 80 companies from Hungary and Central-Europe delegated their representatives to the meeting in Siófok, there were some 600 negotiations at the B2B...
2 billion beverage containers have been collected by Slovaks since the launch of the system
- 01.04.2024
- Plastics packaging
- Recycled plastics
Slovaks are the leaders in beverage packaging backup. Since the launch of the deposit system, almost two billion containers have been collected. Specifically, it is over 1.8 billion packages, of which 57 percent are plastic bottles and 43 percent are beverage...
20 years of successful cooperation of 1.PLASTCOMPANY & Wanner Technik GmbH seen through the eyes of the owners
- 21.10.2021
- Machinery & Equipment
- Recycling technologies
1.PLASTCOMPANY and Wanner Technik GmbH are celebrating the 20th anniversary of their successful cooperation. A very strong bond was formed, both in the working and interpersonal levels. The managing director of 1.PLASTCOMPANY, Mr. Petr Betáš, and the owner of WANNER Technik GmbH, Mr. Ralph...
2013 Was Record Year for Sepro Robotique
- 11.02.2014
- Machinery & Equipment
Coming off of a wildly successful K 2013 trade show, during which Sepro hosted 65% more visitors than in 2010, the Company reveals that 2013 will enter the record books as the best sales year ever in its 40-year...
204 horses Kia gallops to Holland
- 01.06.2015
- Plastics and Rubber products
Nine years after the start of series production in Slovakia rolled off the production lines of Kia cee'd with a serial number...
20th FAKUMA Drives the Plastics Technology Economy
- 09.11.2009
- Services
FAKUMA’s anniversary exceeds all expectations, exhibitors close business transactions with customers from 90 countries, more than 37,000 expert visitors and a total of 500,000 visitors throughout FAKUMA’s history to...
22nd conference Packaging Waste and Sustainability Forum 2015 under the sign of Circular Economy
- 23.04.2015
- Plastics recycling
Traditionally, a conference was held in Brussels on Packaging Waste and Sustainability Forum 2015 to bring together representatives of the European Commission, the organization of producer responsibility (OZV), collection companies, processors, NGOs, associations or other bodies of waste...
24th Fakuma with Large Numbers of Exhibitors and Expert Visitors
- 23.10.2015
- Services
“Innovation platform” or “smart city in plastics”, “business meet with family character” and finally “plastics processing is Fakuma” – these are the words of unanimous praise and the enthusiastic comments of the exhibitors and expert visitors concerning the way things went at the Fakuma...
25 years ago, KUBOUŠEK joined forces with KraussMaffe
KUBOUŠEK entered the plastics processing industry in 1991, a year after its establishment, and thus enriched the original focus on quality control and measuring devices with a rapidly growing plastics segment. Twenty-five years ago, in 1996, the calm level of the divided market in the Czech...
25 years of Arburg success on the Czech and Slovak markets
Arburg's subsidiary in Brno, Czechia, celebrated the 25th anniversary of its foundation on 30 September and 1 October 2021. On this special occasion, Arburg Managing Partner Juliane Hehl thanked Dr. Daniel Orel, Managing Director of Arburg spol. s r.o., and his 40-strong team for their huge...
Latest Classifieds
For Sale: Plastics Paint Shop - demand for a strategic partner or sale of the whole company
16.09.2024 | ID: 202419793
Top AdvertTo purchase: PVC regrind white window
12.09.2024 | ID: 202419764
Top Advert-
11.09.2024 | ID: 202419760
Top Advert For Sale: Hard PVC regranulate
16.08.2024 | ID: 202419654
Top AdvertFor Sale: Cooling units TOOL-TEMP for best price
26.08.2024 | ID: 202419517
Top AdvertCooperation: Nezaplatené faktúry firmou Industry Storm s.r.o.
19.04.2024 | ID: 202418993
Top AdvertTo purchase: PA 6/66 GF 30 regrind
16.09.2024 | ID: 202419791
To purchase: PVC regrind white window
12.09.2024 | ID: 202419764
Top AdvertTo purchase: PA 6/66 GF 30 regrind
16.09.2024 | ID: 202419791
To purchase: Plastic scrap from production
16.09.2024 | ID: 202419781
To purchase: LUVOCOM - Luvocom aramid1-0865VP natur
11.09.2024 | ID: 202419756
To purchase: Plastic scrap from production
09.09.2024 | ID: 202419741
To purchase: PA 6/66 GF 30 regrind
09.09.2024 | ID: 202419731
02.09.2024 | ID: 202419709
For Sale: Plastics Paint Shop - demand for a strategic partner or sale of the whole company
16.09.2024 | ID: 202419793
Top Advert-
11.09.2024 | ID: 202419760
Top Advert For Sale: Hard PVC regranulate
16.08.2024 | ID: 202419654
Top AdvertFor Sale: Cooling units TOOL-TEMP for best price
26.08.2024 | ID: 202419517
Top AdvertFor Sale: HDPE regranulate - natur/white
16.09.2024 | ID: 202419790
For Sale: PP-COPO white regranulate
16.09.2024 | ID: 202419789
16.09.2024 | ID: 202419788
Upcoming Events
18.09.2024 - 19.09.2024 | ’s-Hertogenbosch
18.09.2024 - 21.09.2024 | Vietnam
24.09.2024 - 26.09.2024 | Nuremberg
24.09.2024 - 28.09.2024 | Taipei
25.09.2024 - 26.09.2024 | Boston
30.09.2024 - 04.10.2024 | Bogota
30.09.2024 - 03.10.2024 | Paríž
01.10.2024 - 03.10.2024 | Tampere
02.10.2024 - 04.10.2024 | Tashkent
Central European Plastics Meeting 2024
SPK 13th annual professional seminar: Trends in the plastics industry
Job offers
Project manager for the tool shop - ESOX-PLAST s.r.o.
Setter - AIS Automotive Interior Systems Slovakia s.r.o.
Quality control technician - ESOX-PLAST s.r.o.
Production/assembly operator - AIS Automotive Interior Systems Slovakia s.r.o.
Plastic crusher operator - ENVI-RECYCLING PLAST, s. r. o.
Customer service worker (logistics) - EXPLAST Slovensko, s.r.o.
Plastic processing worker - Hard Plastic Recycling s.r.o.
Business - technical representative of professional tools - the whole SR - ant s.r.o.